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"When I need a fantastic trumpeter, Alex Serio is the first person I call. He enters rehearsals thoroughly prepared, with a firm technical grasp that allows for flexibility in interpretation. His playing is grounded in a persistently gorgeous tone and a convincing musicality that betrays his knowledge and understanding of the music being made around him. Alex is one of the most solid musical collaborators I have ever worked with, both as a conductor and a keyboardist. I would recommend him to anyone."


Brian Bartoldus,

Artistic Director, Third Practice; Music Director & Organist, Frederick Presbyterian Church; Director of Music Ministry, Mount St. Mary’s University

"After almost fifteen years performing alongside Alex I'm amazed at his commitment to the craft. His sparkly, brilliant sound blends well in chamber ensembles yet still soars effortlessly in large orchestra settings.  On top of all that Alex is a genuine friend to everyone who crosses his path."

James Martin, Principal Trombone - American Pops Orchestra

"Boys choose to play the trumpet for a variety of reasons ranging from the instrument's shiny look to its brash blare.  As such, it takes a special teacher to transform pre-teen, cacophonous bluster into real music.  I have been very impressed with Alex's ability to nurture this type of musicality out of my ten year old boy.  By spending time on the fundamentals, Alex taught my son first to hit the notes, then to play phrases, and then finally to convey emotion through the trumpet's horn.  Now, if you couple this pedagogical skill with Alex's gentle and humble manner, you realize that Alex is the kind of teacher that comes along only so often." 

John L., parent of student

"I made all-state band in high school, played in a dance band in college, but then put down the horn where it stayed for decades, except for playing hymns in church a couple times 20 years ago. After a year of weekly lessons with Alex, I’m getting back into shape, with a sound better than I ever had previously.  What’s more, at age 74, I’m getting in touch with my inner Doc Severinsen (he, of age 89)!  Alex brings his own virtuosity to bear as exemplary of what a trumpet player aspires to, and you can’t help but pick up the essential trumpet attitude that he personifies!  Alex’s pedagogical style is warm and congenial, deriving from a generally humanitarian approach to life."


Al Pearson, Adult "Comeback" Student

"Alex is an excellent manager for our concert projects, particularly managing our orchestras and soloists. He is thorough, reliable, and very personable to everyone without exception. I have enjoyed working with him. Of course, his musicality as a trumpeter is without a doubt another joy to be and we are proud that he is a member of our artistic team."

Tomoko Torii,
President & Executive Director (Co-Founder)
Harmony For Peace Foundation

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